Volunteers in Medicine Opens as HealthNet Bloomington Health Center

Volunteers in Medicine Opens as HealthNet Bloomington Health Center

Effective December 30, the assets of the Volunteers in Medicine clinic were acquired by HealthNet, a not-for-profit federally qualified health center (FQHC) network based in Indianapolis.

This was the culmination of nearly three years of research, discussions, and extensive due diligence.

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Healthy IN Plan 2.0 many local individuals, previously served by the VIM clinic, became insured and were transferred to other outpatient health centers. It became clear to the board of directors that the free clinic model was too limited for the changing healthcare environment.

Now called HealthNet Bloomington Health Center, the clinic serves all people regardless of age, income, citizenship, insurance status, or geographic location. Patients are given a sliding scale fee based on income and family size. The HealthNet mission is “to improve lives with compassionate health care and support services regardless of ability to pay.” While the new clinic is officially open at the VIM location, the building is currently under construction in order to double the number of exam rooms. Thus, capacity is somewhat limited and until a pediatrician is recruited, children’s services will be very limited. In addition, the dental clinic will be expanded with the addition of a .8 FTE dentist and will open after construction is completed. For more information call Nancy Richman, 812.333.4032. To schedule an appointment, call 812.333.4001.

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