In this difficult and challenging time of COVID-19, we hear many stories of beautiful acts of kindness and humanity that remind us how lucky we are to live in this community.
Some of these people include those who have spent hours making masks for the community, including Dr. Carrie Davis who organized and made scrub caps for staff in the IU Health Emergency Department, employees at Cardinal Spirits who have made hand sanitizer and Big Red Liquors that donated $5,000 of the hand sanitizer to the community, teachers who have paraded in front of student’s homes with signs telling the students how much they miss them, the parents who have had to become teachers for their children at home, the many employees of essential businesses such as Kroger, Target, Walmart, banks, postal employees, UPS, FedEx, Sanitation Department, newspapers and many more who have worked while many others were able to stay at home. And above all, we thank all of our physicians, nurses, and other hospital and physician office staff that work so that we can stay healthy.
Speaking of physicians, in February, Mayor John Hamilton announced that Dr. Tashera Perry was one of five local women being honored for their outstanding service to our community.
Dr. Perry received the Woman of the Year Award for her dedication to women’s health. Dr. Perry serves as staff physician and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology for the Indiana University School of Medicine, Medical Science Program, and an advocate for women’s health in a variety of positions both locally and nationally. Within the IU Health system, locally, Dr. Perry has served as Clinical Informatics Physicians Advisor, physician sponsor for the OB/GYN Clinical Effectiveness Council, and as representative for the Women’s CORE uplift Governance Council. On a state and national scale, she serves as Fellow for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; member of the American Medical Association; representative for the Indiana State Medical Society; and ISMA Delegate for the Monroe Owen County Medical Society. There are so many people in our community that deserve thanks and praise; these are some that have been brought to our attention. Please let us know if you hear of anyone that deserves to be recognized.