Congratulations, Dr. Tashera Perry!

Congratulations, Dr. Tashera Perry!

Dr. Tashera Perry was one of 5 women recently honored by the Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women with the 2020 Women’s Achievement Award and one of 2 women to be named Woman of the Year for her dedication to women’s health. Dr. Perry, a physician with IU Health has been practicing obstetrics and gynecology since 2015, serves as staff physician and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology for the Indiana University School of Medicine, Medical Science Program, and is an advocate for women’s health in a variety of positions both locally and nationally. Dr. Perry has served as Clinical Informatics Physicians Advisor, physician sponsor for the OB/GYN Clinical Effectiveness Council, and as representative for the Women’s CORE uplift Governance Council. On a state and national scale, she serves as Fellow for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; member of the American Medical Association; representative for the Indiana State Medical Society; and ISMA Delegate for the Monroe Owen County Medical Society. Dr. Perry also sits on the Monroe Owen County Medical Society executive committee.

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